
藝術家謝宛儒前進羅馬!首位來自台灣藝術家 進駐羅馬當代藝術美術館MACRO

【記者 薛秀蓮/台北 報導】

2019年3月4日至3月10日期間,首位來自台灣藝術家謝宛儒(Julie Hsieh)進駐位於羅馬的當代藝術美術館MACRO,該美術館位於義大利羅馬的東北部,介於Via Reggio Emilia與Via Nizza城市之間。

羅馬當代藝術美術館MACRO現正展出名為Asilo (避難所)之實驗藝術計畫展,主張將MACRO打造成一所與藝術互動的生活美術館。 此展覽由MACRO美術館主任Giorgio de Finis所精心策劃,並邀請世界各地藝術家進駐創作,展出自己的作品與民眾互動。

在此次Macro Asilo的展覽中,台灣藝術家謝宛儒很榮幸能獲選擔任其國際藝術家,並獲得在MACRO美術館內創作的機會,她是Atelier計劃中的第一位亞洲藝術家。謝宛儒表示,「此次能來義大利要很感謝我國駐義大利李新穎代表,李大使本身即熱愛藝術音樂,在台灣時常來我們的宛儒畫廊參與藝術活動,在一次深刻交談時李大使特別提到羅馬當代藝術美術館MACRO有此一Asilo 實驗藝術計畫展,他熱心介紹也特別推薦我應該來參加。我們在MACRO Asilio項目開始時於2018年11月參觀了MACRO,我們對這個展覽計劃印象深刻,我希望作為一名藝術家加入,李大使很樂意向我介紹MACRO,他建議我參加這個展覽,在我了解了Asilo 實驗藝術計畫後,我決定前來參展。」

在為期一周的藝術家駐館期間,謝宛儒將與其他藝術家一同在MACRO美術館內的個別獨立工作室中創作, 她將運用東方水墨與水彩等素材創造她獨特且充滿活力的新藝術。 宛儒在此創作之作品成果也將於3月10日星期日在此美術館內之劇院大廳中展出。

「現場有很多來自世界各地愛好藝術的人參觀,我就遇到義大利、德國、美國、荷蘭、芬蘭、日本等等國家的朋友, 我告訴他們我是台灣的藝術家。我與他們進行互動,關於藝術的談話,關於藝術家創作藝術的過程。 通常情況下訪客會說英語,我們會談論所有有關藝術話題。這就是通過藝術與世界聯繫,藝術是通用語言,在這裡我作為藝術家和畫廊經營者的使命展露無遺,讓我深刻體認藝術的價值與創作的偉大!李新穎大使和我也希望我們能夠在未來,帶來更多的台灣藝術家在羅馬當代藝術博物館展出。」謝宛儒說出深刻感受!

謝宛儒是一位來自台灣台北的抽象藝術家,也是一位多元的創作家。 曾在美國居住三十年已取得醫學學位並執業家庭醫師的她,於2014年回到了她的家鄉台灣台北並全心全意地展開她的創作生涯。除了身為視覺藝術家外,也是一位歌唱家,她出色的女中音色常與聽眾產生共鳴。 此外,在她的家鄉台灣台北,宛儒也創辦並致力經營宛儒畫廊,對提倡發揚文化藝術,促進藝術國際交流不遺餘力!


羅馬當代藝術美術館Macro 之Asilo實驗藝術計畫展相關資訊,請查閱 https://www.museomacro.it/pagine/presentazione-macro-asilo


Julie Hsieh Arrives in Rome!

From March 4 – 10, 2019, Julie Hsieh will be an artist in residence at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome (MACRO), a municipal art museum located in north-east Rome, Italy between Via Reggio Emilia and Via Nizza.

Julie was selected as one of the international artists for Macro Asilo, an experiential project that transforms the MACRO into a living organism, an interactive museum. The project, curated by MACRO Director Giorgio de Finis, invites meetings and collaborations between resident artists and the public.

She is the first Asian artist in the Atelier project. Julie Hsieh said, “I am very grateful to Ambassador Andrea Sing-Ying Lee, Representative of the Taipei Representative Office in Italy, who is interested in art and music. He often visited my gallery, Yuan Ru Gallery (宛儒畫廊), to participate in art activities in Taiwan. We visited the MACRO in November 2018 at the start of the MACRO Asilo Project. We were impressed with the project and I hoped to join as an artist. Ambassador Lee was enthusiastic about introducing me to MACRO, and he recommended me to join this project.”

Inside the Atelier Rooms, Julie will join other artists in separate art spaces where they will realize their artworks during the week-long art residency. She will be working with Asian ink and watercolors to create exciting new art. Julie’s works will be presented at the conclusion of the week-long residency on Sunday March 10 in the Cinema Hall of MACRO.

“There are many people from all over the world who are interested in art,” Julie said. “I have met people from Italy, Germany, the United States, the Netherlands, Finland, Japan, etc. I tell them that I am an artist from Taiwan, and we talk about art and my process for creating art. Usually visitors speak English during our discussions. There is a deep connection between art and the world: art is a universal language. As an artist and founder of Yuan Ru Gallery, my mission is to share my deep love of art, its importance to the community, and how wonderful it is to create art! Ambassador Lee and I also hope that in the future we can bring more Taiwanese artists to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome (MACRO).”

Julie Hsieh, an abstract artist based in Taipei, Taiwan, is a multifaceted artist. After graduating with a medical degree and practicing as a family doctor in the United States (where she lived for 30 years), she returned to her hometown of Taipei, Taiwan in 2014 where she was able to give vent to her creative vein. She is not only a visual artist but also a singer, thanks to her excellent mezzo-soprano voice. Julie founded and runs Yuan Ru Gallery (宛儒畫廊) in Taipei, Taiwan.

More information about Julie is available at https://www.juliehsieh.com/.

More information about Macro Asilo is available at https://www.museomacro.it/pagine/presentazione-macro-asilo


與羅馬當代藝術博物館館長Giorgio de Fini合影






MACRO現正展出名為Asilo (避難所)之實驗藝術計畫